Bernt Isak Wærstad (1984) is an interdisciplinary artist holding a MA in Music Technology from Norwegian University for Science and Technology (NTNU).
He has followed a series of alternative and parallell directions in his artistic career. His genre and medium changing artistic expression tends to bring him to the edges of the artistic fields he’s operating within. As a creating and performing artist he often take on many concurrent roles; musician, composer, sound artist, producer, programmer, visual artist, sound designer, techonology developer and instrument designer in the fields of sound art, theater, film, radio, performance arts and a variety of musical projects ranging from electroacoustic free improvisation to electronic afropop.
Constantly restless and incurable curiousity - the new and unknown is a recurring source of inspiration for Wærstad. Dialogical meetings with new artistic expressions, new technology, new cultures and new people are at the core of his artistic practise. Wærstad is also a lecturer in live electronics at Norwegian University for Science and Technology (NTNU) and was awarded a government working grant for younger artists in 2018.